Sunday, January 16, 2011

Looking like a house!

This is what we found when we went to the house yesterday....

I was so surprised how much they got done in ONE day! Unfortunately, we may have hit a problem.  Right before we left, I went around to the back of the house and saw that it appears they are building the fireplace back there.  I am assuming that is what the hole and ledge is between the two window holes---

The fireplace is supposed to be on the side of the house, so we immediately called our PM to get things straightened out.  Unfortunately, his baby had to have surgery this week so he had been off work and we think he comes back on Monday.....hoping he calls and we can get things fixed before it's too late!


  1. Uh Oh!!! They better get that straightened out!!!

  2. Congrats, I am sure they will get it right

  3. Looking good! It's crazy how much they do in one day. Hopefully the fireplace will be an easy fix.

  4. Just stumbled across your blog. Have enjoyed reading your blog so far. We think you are crazy building a house and planning a wedding all at the same time. We have a blog as can find it here:

  5. BD-I think we are crazy too! :)

  6. Also forgot to mention that we have also chosen the Absolute Black for around our family room fireplace and the Cherry Bordeaux cabinets for our kitchen.
